La prévention des risques psychosociaux en contexte de télétravail : des questions (encore et toujours) en suspens

  • Sereno Sophie

  • Telework
  • Health
  • Safety obligation
  • Psychosocial risk
  • Harassment
  • Violence
  • Stress
  • Risk factors


Abstract : For a long time, telework was an atypical form of work organisation that was not widely used. But the COVID-19 health crisis has changed the situation. The rise of telework has led to a radical transformation of the professional landscape. Its impact on the health of teleworkers is both major and largely unknown. In particular, the psychosocial risks induced by this work organisation are difficult to capture. In addition, the law applicable to the protection of health at work has not been adapted. All these circumstances raise questions about the need to create a common set of rules specific to telework.